Regional Forum
“Organic Expo - Central Asia”
If you are representing:

  • Expert in organics, agriculture, ESG, or SDGs
  • Farmer or processor
  • Manufacturer of organic technologies
20, 21, 22 September, 2024
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Represent an a association or cooperative
  • Represent an international development organization
  • You represent the Media community and want to communicate with speakers and experts
Organic – Peace Ambassador of Silk Road in Central Asia
Read more about the Regional Forum - Organic EXPO 2024
Find out more about our mission and goals
Find out more about the schedule and key events.

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Video invitation to the forum
Become part of an event that brings together the supporters of
  • Systemic promotion of organic, regenerative agriculture
  • Preservation of the biocultural diversity of mountain regions
  • Achievement of sustainable development in the agricultural sector of Central Asian countries, as well as a fair and exhibition of organic and eco-friendly products and technologies.
Guest Speakers
About the Forum
Our event will last for three days and includes the following thematic sections:
Section 1
Regional Forum 'Organic Expo – Central Asia 2024
20 Sep 2024, Hyatt Regency Bishkek
Official Opening of the Forum
Welcome Address by Representatives of Central Asian Government Bodies
General Plenary Discussion: 'Organics as an Ambassador of the Silk Road Peace in Central Asia. Meanings, Values, and Priorities'
Section 2
Work in Plenary Sessions
20 Sep 2024, Hyatt Regency Bishkek
Organics, Health, and Food Security
Organics, Integrated Development of Mountain Regions, and Climate Change Adaptation Measures
Marketing and Promotion of Organic Products
Organics: Legislation and Government Policy, Certification and Standardization
Regional Cooperation and Projects in Organic and Green Agriculture
Science, Education, Innovation, and Technology in Organic Agriculture
Section 3
Forum Summary
Presentation of the Results from the Plenary Sessions
Discussions on Creating a Regional Platform for the Organic Movement in Central Asia
Adoption of the Resolution
20 Sep 2024, Hyatt Regency Bishkek/ Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Maldybaev
Reception on Behalf of the Forum Organizers
Performance of the Environmental Play 'Adam'
Section 4
First Working Meeting of the Regional Organic Movement Platform Participants
Greeting the First Working Meeting of the Regional Organic Movement Platform Participants in Central Asia
Plenary Discussion: Developing a Sustainable Environmental Mindset and Transforming Consciousness Through the Lens of SDGs and ESG
21 Sep 2024, “EcoFerma”, Baytik village
Development of the Regional Platform for the Organic Movement in Central Asia, including: Defining Priorities, Discussing the Initial Steps of the Regional Association, and Working on the Roadmap
B2B Meetings, Masterclasses, and Tour
Presentation of Successful Business Cases in Promoting the Organic Movement
Reception on Behalf of the Forum Organizers, Including Dinner and a Bonfire Afterparty
Section 5
EXPO 2024 - Exhibition-fair
Participant Product Presentations
Sep 20, 21, and 22, 2024, at the venue in front of the A. Maldybaev Opera and Ballet Theater
Educational and Entertaining Games Related to Organics
Presentation of Company Activities on Stage and on the Big Screen, and Much More
Become Part of the Organic Movement in Central Asia!
Forum Registration
Registration for Individual Sections
You can choose to participate 'in person' or 'online'
Free access to all days of the forum
Your Products Featured
Speaking at Plenary Sessions
Space Allocated
I want to be a spectator
I want to participate in the fair
I want to be a speaker
Brand Exposure
Networking and Participation in the Forum's Cultural Programs
Media about us
  • Organizer
    Secretariat of the Special Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic for the implementation of the five-year action program for the development of mountain regions
  • Organizer
    Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Organizer
    Department of Processing Industry and Organic Agriculture
  • Partner
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Partner
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representation in the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Partner
    ​German Society for International Cooperation
  • Partner
    World Food Programme
  • Partner
    Peasant farm "EcoFerma", TM "EcoMade"
  • Partner
    Council on Sustainable Development and Climate Change of the Jogorku Kenesh
  • Partner
    The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)
  • Strategic media consultant
    Communication agency "SALT"
  • Partner
    German-Kazakh agrarian-political dialogue
  • Partner
    Agency for Development Initiatives
  • Partner
    Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan
  • Partner
    Organic Holding KG
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